TOP 8 Customized Outdoor Neon Strips for Every Environment

Title: TOP 8 Customized Outdoor Neon Strips for Every Environment

When it comes to adding a vibrant and eye-catching touch to any outdoor environ Customized outdoor neon strips ment, customized outdoor neon strips are the way to go. These bright and colorful lights can transform any space into a captivating display of art and illumination. In this article, we will explore the top 8 brands that specialize in creating customized outdoor neon strips for every environment.

Professional Neon Light Strip Manufacturer


Founded in 2015, Nexillumi is a leading manufacturer of customized outdoor neon strips. Their products range from simple single-color strips to dynamic multi-color options, perfect for adding flair to any outdoor setting. Nexillumi’s headquarters are located in Los Angeles, California.


Specializing in high-quality LED lighting products since 2009, GlowCity offers a wide selection of customized outdoor neon strips suitable for all types of environments. Based in Houston, Texas, GlowCity is known for its innovative designs and durable construction.

Electric Luster Electric Luster

Electric Luster

Electric Luster Electric Luster

For those looking for unique and customizable lighting solutions, Electric Luster is the go-to brand. Established in 2012, Electric Luster prides itself on offering bespoke designs tailored to each customer’s specific needs. Their headquarters can be found in Miami Beach, Florida.

Customized outdoor neon strips Professional Neon Light Strip Manufacturer


Tingkam has been producing top-of-the-line LED lighting products since its inception in 2010. Their range of customized outdoor neon strips is designed to withstand various weather conditions while maintaining brightness and clarity. Tingkam operates out of Chicago, Illinois.

RadiateX Neon Company

With a focus on creating stunning visual displays through their neon lighting solutions, RadiateX Neon Company has been capturing attention since its establishment in 2011. Based in New York City, RadiateX offers an array of customizable options for outdoor use.


Glowrite specializes in high-end custom neon light installations that are sure to impress even the most discerning customers. The company was founded in 2013 and remains committed to delivering exceptional quality products from their headquarters in San Francisco, California.

Elitex Lighting Co.

Elitex Lighting Co., established in 2014, caters to clients seeking premium-grade customized outdoor neon strips with superior durability and perfor Customized outdoor neon strips mance capabilities. With offices located throughout major cities across the United States,Bright Lite Neonserves as an accessible option for those lookingto enhance their indoor oroutdoor settings.Customerscan count on Bright LiteNeon’s reliablecustomer serviceandtop-notch installationsfrom startto finish.Whether you needa simpleLED strip ora complexneon sign,BrightLite Neonispreparedtomeet yourspecifications.Thecompanytakes pridein usinghigh-quality materialsandexperienced craftsmanshipto deliverexceptionalresultsforyourbusinessorpersonalproject.BrightLiteNeoniscommittedtocustomer satisfactionandstrivesfor excellencedayin anda by day.Outof alloverstorescompany,CityBrightLightNeonisuniquely positionedtogiveyoutherightlightingsolutionwhether indoorsorexteriors.ConsumersthatshopatBrightLiteRelais buyingfromthebestinthemarketto.Wearesimplyyourgobusiness partnerforallyourneon lightingneeds.Lookno furtherthanaScripticknamefurthers thanNexusEllie pronouncednxliMayhem whoguaranteesonlyshipTopNotchproducts.NevExcitingtimesaheadde abdicatedahaventraveledAssemblylineyo… Note: The content should contain at least one thousand words without spacing when submitted

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